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Performance enhancements
TRS has worked with most major manufactured products to improve the performance based on the “out of box” factory settings.
Experience, Knowledge, Skill
Our experiences with steam locomotives, car and boats has been denoted with shop time involving (but not limited to):
Accucraft Cab Forward, Accucraft Daylight, Aster Berkshire, Aster K-4, Aster GS-4, Legend 4-4-0, Aster Shay, Aster French Mike, Aster Glaskasten, Aster C&S, Mogul, Aristo Mike, Aster Mike, Accucraft K27, Accucraft Ruby, Accucraft 2 cylinder shay, Accucraft 3 cylinder shay, Accucraft Caradoc/Edrig/Superior/Mortimer, Accucraft C-16, Accucraft C-21, Aster Climax, Aster Reno, Aster Schools/King ArthurAster, JNR C11, Aster JNR Mogul, Pearse, Aster SBB A3/5 4 cylinder compound
The working knowledge of operating features regarding gas, alcohol and coal fired design is key to our overall understanding of how best to make an engine work to it’s full potential.
Norfolk and Western Class A (Fine Arts Model) conversion from electric to live steam
Samhongsa Norfolk and Western Class-J 4-8-4
This excellent model of a class leading locomotive was produced in the 1990’s. The production run by Samhongsa is a finely detailed representation in 1:32. The efforts by TRS are centered around a conversion from electric to coal fired live steam.
Norfolk and Western Class J 611 conversion: electric to live steam
Here Ryan and Justin discuss the layout of a boiler relative to frame and boiler shell.
First stage- removal of all the electronics that were utilized on the original production run
Aster K4- Post war version converted to coal fired
Aster K4 A kit build that was improperly done needing the bolts/nuts loose, boiler loose, valves needing lapping,etc will be rebuild into a coal fired engine and post war version 3750.
Fine Art Models- PRR Mountain 4-8-2 Conversion project for 2013
In 1923, it took the I1’s boiler design, (2-10-0 Decapods, to handle its mountain grades) added a larger combustion chamber and substituted a 72-inch drivers, 4-8-2 wheel arrangement underneath. In keepng with its conservative philosophy, it ordered a single class prototype from its own Juniata shops in Altoona. The M1a with 4,000-horsepower M1 could handle up to 22 Pullmans at speed.
Perspective of the size of the M1a can be seen with a side by side comparison to an Aster coal fired PRR K4:
TRS operational manual for retrofitted Accucraft AC-12:
Cab Forward Operational Manual
TRS break down of Accucraft Cab Forward for work on mechanics, suspension, steam piping, backhead arrangement, oiler, and cylinder work.
TRS upgrades of an Accucraft AC-12 involving all major components: suspension, cylinders, cross head, steam lines, oiler, pivots, backhead and much more.
AC-12 Breakdown Manual
how to tear apart a cab forward in order to retrofit with upgraded components in particular for the first version given the second run had some improvements (e.g. cross head guides)
A log of the various major components done on the AC-12 project can be found at: This Link